The digital animation film titled "Channel" has been completed in summer 2017. It shows an abstract view of the nature of an industrial landscape. In the audio-visual presentation of the film, the viewer is directed to the physical event and the search for the particular "thing" in nature. The focus is placed on the movement within change processes in an industrial environment. The sound was recorded as a sound collage on the spot and
subsequently alienated.
The place of the industrial landscape here is Salzgitter.
Salzgitter has been an important location for the production of steel since national socialism.
And the canal represents a major transport route for commercial goods and raw mate-
rials such as iron, steel, bio-oil, VW engines from the industry. In the foreground of the artistic work is the change of things and the alienation, like the expansion and contrac-
tion of matter in nature. Nature and man are under the natural influence of the four basic elements, such as water, fire, earth, and air. This influence determines the course of
things and controls the processes of a change in human existence. Channel refers to these processes in nature and creates a very own transformation of things with new ap-
The digital film titeln "COLOR " has been completed in the summer of 2017. An
abstract view of the visual system and the perception of color is shown.
In the audio-visual presentation of the film the viewer's gaze is directed at the
physical process and the perception of color in space. The sound was generated
by recording from the urban environment and alienated the film.
The focus is directed at the movement of color and forms in the kaleidoscopic
space. A color space is created by mixing and moving color in images. This is
increased in the film by the voltage ratio of the individual picture elements in
the film and transformed into changing colors and shapes. The horizontal center of motion is broken rhythmically by moving sequences of images and a constantly new picture composite of color and shapes with sound is produced.
In the foreground of the artistic work is the transformation of things and aliena-
tion, such as the expansion and contraction of color and forms in an urban envi-
ronment of man. Nature and man are under the natural influence of the four
basic elements, such as water, fire, earth, and air. This influence determines the
course of things and controls the processes of a change in human existence.
The film color refers to these processes and creates a completely separate re-
presentation in the transformation of things with new appearance forms.
RED - real energy depth
The digital animation film titled RED was created in summer 2017. The source of inspiration is the film "Atomic Alert of 1951". Animated pictures of film sequences are shown. The film is distorted by self-created sounds from nature and everyday situations. In the interval, an effective stress curve is built up on the subject and the intention is to produce a certain reaction to the viewer of
the film. In the second act, lines and shapes move to a sound collage in the four- dimensional space. At irregular intervals, graphic and physically oriented surfaces and bodies can be seen in a red color context. The color red here stands for the emotional excitement of man and serves in its appearance in the film as object and light color. Red can be for love, aggression, warning or danger and can cause a reaction in humans and animals. The color has a long wavelength with low vibration and is used in science and medicine as a macrophysical light.
The artistic content lies in the alienation of image and sound, in the idea of achieving a psychophysical effect, which makes the visual material and the sound into an abstract composition. RED -real energy depth represents an abstract interpretation of the color red and the associated color effect, which signals a threat or danger. In RED, special effects were used to work out the alienation and to create an abstraction in the image through the sound.
The film gives the viewer a different perspective on technical and everyday pro- cesses in the perception of things and leads the viewer of the film to a different
way of perception in times of nuclear threat in our technocratic industrial society.